Read Ahead. Most study materials needed for a class can be found in a textbook or handout, and the instructor's lectures only reiterate what the text teaches. Getting ahead on reading the material will ensure that you understand it (or at least some of it) before the teacher talks about it. This will greatly reduce your study time later because you will be ahead of the rest of the class in comprehending the new topic or chapter.
Pay Attention. Whether you are taking a college course on psychology or a driver's education class, it is important to pay close attention to what your instructor is saying. Typically, if the teacher repeats themselves or writes something on the board, it is important to understand and remember. Try to make it to every class, and take notes to keep yourself from being distracted during the lecture
Take Meaningful Notes. An important part of preventing distraction is by taking concise, clear notes in class. Write down things the teacher repeats or writes on the board. Write down things you do not clearly understand or cannot remember. Use graphs, diagrams, and arrows to thoroughly explain concepts. This will help you understand lectures and will reduce study stress at a later time.
Study Early. When your instructor gives you the date for an exam or quiz, mark the date on your calendar and begin studying immediately. That way, you can space out your studying and maximize your information intake while minimizing the time you must take to study every night. Set aside thirty minutes every evening to reiterate what you learned in class that day. If the class is calculus, do a few practice problems. If it's driver's education, quiz yourself on what to do in the right turn lane. This will allow stress-free studying, and when the exam date comes, you will be ready without cramming
Ask Questions. If you find yourself not understanding a concept and the text is not making it clear to you, ask questions. You must ask questions in order to have stress-free studying. If you do not understand something, your studying will be confusing and help you very little. If the teacher mentions something in class, do not be afraid to raise your hand and ask if they can explain it further. Better yet, talk to your teacher after school to get some one-on-one time so that you feel confident about your comprehension of a topic
Avoid Cramming. If you follow the above tips thoroughly and you are very strict about studying, you will see no reason to cram the night before the exam. Cramming actually reduces your understanding because it makes your brain tired and causes you to forget vital information. Study, don't cram.
Rest. Rest is actually vastly important for your mind to retain information. Getting adequate sleep allows the mind to store concepts and topics so that you can remember and understand them. Get enough sleep the night before an exam. This should be no problem, since you won't be cramming
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